Monday 3rd June 2024

2.00 – 5.00 pm
Individual meetings with members of the Iprova team. Please email to arrange an appointment.

7.30 – 10.00 pm
Welcome Dinner: to be held at Restaurant La Rive, Avenue Emile-Henri-Jaques-Dalcroze, 1007 Lausanne.

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Event Moderator: Dr. Ulf Marquardt, Senior Manager Development Partnerships, Nestlé.

9.00 – 9.05 am Welcome.
Julian Nolan, CEO and Founder, Iprova

9.05 – 9.40 am Keynote: The technology behind “always-on” invention.

  • State-of-the-art review – commercial AI tools and technology.
  • Generative AI-enabled breakthrough business applications.
  • Machine-enhanced creativity.
  • Introduction to AI-assisted invention.

Mohamad Ali Mahfouz, CTO, Microsoft, Switzerland
Dr. Andreea Constantin, Head of AI, Iprova

9.40 – 10.15 am Buyers’ guide to navigating the AI and innovation landscape.


  • The potential business impact of next gen invention tools.
  • What this means for R&D, IP and innovation functions.
  • How to navigate the emerging ecosystem.


  • The research perspective.
  • How to navigate the emerging AI landscape.
  • Predictions for 2024 and beyond.

Cyril Bouquet, Professor of Innovation at IMD
Martin Jaggi, Professor of Machine Learning at EPFL

10.15 – 10.45 am The patent attorney’s view of AI across the IP ecosystem.

  • The recent USPTO guidance on AI-assisted invention.
  • AI and the IP workflow – from invention to patent.
  • Building business value through IP – 2024 and beyond.

Dr. Saiful Khan, Partner, Potter Clarkson

10.45 – 11.20 am Coffee break.

11.20 – 11.50 am Invention Copilot.  A day in the life of an AI-assisted inventor.

  • The tools they will use and what they will do.
  • Their qualifications and experience.
  • What will be the business value.

To be announced, joint presentation by Microsoft and Iprova

11.50 am – 12.20 pm Breakout sessions:

Stream A – Masterclass on leadership in IP.

  • Guiding principles of an effective Chief Intellectual Property Officer.
  • Illustrative examples and use cases of the effective management of IP.
  • Top 3 tips in negotiating licensing agreements.

Joff Wild, former Editor-in-Chief of IAM, in discussion with
Ruud Peters, former Chief Intellectual Property Officer, Philips

Stream B – Inventing for Standard Essential Patents.

  • The science behind the art of SEP invention.
  • Demo – the science in action.
  • How this may influence the evolution of future standards.

Dr Harry Cronin, Head of Standards, Iprova

12.20 – 2.05 pm Lunch, group photo and networking.

2.05 – 2.45 pm Example use cases and learnings.

Hear from Paul Sagel on what makes a top-class inventor, followed by a panel discussing:

  • Example use cases and learning from:
    • FMCG – Proctor & Gamble
    • Technology – Applied Materials
    • Telecoms – KPN
    • Pharma – Bayer
  • Impact in 2024 and beyond of AI tools on invention creation.

Joff Wild, former Editor-in-Chief of IAM, in discussion with:

  • Paul Sagel*, Vice President and Research Fellow, Victor Mills Society, Global Oral Care, Procter & Gamble
  • Gert-Jan Schilt, European Patent Attorney, KPN
  • Dr. Chris Talbot*, Senior Director IP Licensing, Applied Materials
  • uliette Rouviere, External Innovation & Partnering, Bayer

2.45 – 3.15 pm Moving from hyype to reality reality

  • Understanding the hype cycle and why it happens.
  • Factors which most affect AI-assisted invention.
  • 2 examples of how these factors will likely develop and be overcome.

Jackie Fenn*: inventor of the Gartner Hype Cycle

3.15 – 3.45 pm Coffee break.

3.45 – 4.20 pm State-of-the art tutorial. 

The science behind the art of invention – timing, inevitability, invention signatures  – and what this means for the future of invention.

  • The problems and concepts underpinning the “science” of invention.
  • How these are being implemented.
  • “High Yield” patents and other new concepts.

Bill Fischer*, Professor of Innovation at MIT in discussion with:

  • Julian Nolan, CEO, Iprova
  • Dr Chris Wright, Chief Invention Officer, Iprova
  • David Duffy, Head of Product Deployment, Iprova

4.20 – 4.55 pm Invention. Reinvented? 

Panel discussion where each of the panellists will present an invention, and hold a discussion about if and how the latest AI tools may have influenced its creation.

Maaike van Velzen, Partner Intellectual Property and Tech law, Deloitte in discussion with:

  • Peter W.J. Staar, PhD , Master Inventor , Principal Research Staff Member, IBM Research
  • Dr. Nick Walker, Chief Scientific Officer, Iprova

4.55 – 5.00 pm Closing remarks.

5.00 – 6.00 pm Drinks reception.

Please note: We will be running Expert Drop-in Sessions, with Iprova’s Dr. Christopher Wright, Dr. Harry Cronin and David Duffy, at coffee breaks, during the lunch break and for an hour after the close of the summit. This is an opportunity to:

  • Seek advice on your invention challenges
  • Get a demonstration of a specific element of Invention Studio
  • Discuss specific technical queries

*Joining remotely